
I have been playing video games for over 30 years, and likely have played thousands of games, but for the past decade or more I have found myself analyzing the games I play as to how they could be improved. Although one would suggest I should review games, I feel as though there are too many game reviewers already, especially on video services such as YouTube and Twitch. As such my opinion would just be drowned out. I feel there too many sources of information across the internet, much of it recycled and rewritten. So with an oversaturation of reviews and news across the internet, and being blessed or cursed with an overactive imagination I decided to make this blog about something I already do, but rather than just pondering my ideas, keeping them private (thus benefitting no-one), I should write them up, share them, and showcase the wealth of my creativity.

Some may think this foolish and naive, that my ideas will be plagiarized and used by others out there for financial gain. This has already happened - in my youth, I emailed two video game companies (whom shall remain nameless) with ideas. One never replied, but the other did stating they did not accept ideas from fans. Regardless both companies used my ideas. Despite reportedly being unable to use unsolicited ideas. While I did not get any immediate benefit, such as a monetary reward or even a free product, the fact that my ideas entertained, and could still be entertaining a plethora of gamer's, makes it all worth it. If someone wants to use the ideas I post on this blog and make a game, it would be nice if I was rewarded, even nicer if I was involved in the production, but if neither are forthcoming I would at the very least be contempt that my ideas are entertaining fellow gamers, and possibly contributing to the constant evolution of video games. That said, the ideas proposed are only the tip of the iceberg; most of the ideas I will/have posted are only the vague outlines, I have much more detailed concepts for each proposal that will not be posted; for two reasons. First, so as to not give away too much, of course. Second, because then each post would take too long to write up and would be so detailed most wouldn't read the propsal.

In addition to playing video games, I have also dabbled in game production. While my experiments with GameMaker never accumulated into anything worthwhile, my time as a community level designer in the Modding community for Unreal Tournament 3 did result in me creating this...
A remake of The UT-2004 map DM-Crash, it was well received by the community with thousands of downloads. The Unreal Engine, now in its 4th (technically 5th) iteration, is a powerful and user-friendly engine used by many of the industries leading developers (Rocksteady, Netherrealm, Coalition Games.Visceral Games etc.).

As well as proposing new ideas, this blog may feature from time to time other game related content such as opinionated articles, and stream announcements (if there is an audience). More varied content will be announced as and when it happens.

I can be found Facebook on Twitter and Scified, the latter of which is a science fiction movie news and discussion platform on which I regularly post news on upcoming science fiction movies. I have been involved with Scified for the past 5 years and am now an admin and partner with the founder of the site Chris Picard, as well as being the sites graphic designer and managing editor. From time to time I may even share content between this blog and Scified.